1 lb. Pork Liver - slice diagonally into small pieces
1.5 T. Light Soy sauce
1 T. Cornstarch
1 T. Cooking oil
1 large Onion - slice
Salt and Pepper
2 slices of Ginger - cut into strips
3 cloves Garlic - Minced
1/4 C. Water
1/2 t. Chili flakes
1 bunch Spring Onions
1 T. Sesame oil
1.5 T. Brown Sugar
1.5 T. Cornstarch
1/4 C. Water
- Marinate liver in light soy sauce and cornstarch for 10 minutes.
- Cut about 1.5 inches away from the root of the spring onions and discard the roots. Divide the onions into 2 by cutting in the middle of the bunch stalk. The soft part and the hard part (which has the whites), set aside.
- In a small bowl, stir in and mix well the cornstarch and 1/4 C. water.
- In medium heat, cook liver in batches so that the liver will not stick to each other. Brown one side of liver for about 3 minutes and then turn to the other side and cook for 3 minutes. DO NOT OVER COOK.
- When done cooking the liver, set aside.
- In the same saute pan at medium high heat. Stir in onions and ginger, and season with salt and pepper. When onion has softened add 1/4 C. water and chili flakes. Cook about 5 minutes. Add water when needed.
- Stir the onions so that the browned juices of the cooked liver will coat the onions.
- Add the hard part of the spring onions and sesame oil, stir. Cook for about 3 minutes. Add 1/4 C. water when needed.
- Add the soft part of the spring onions and brown sugar, stir and cook for about 2 minutes. Add 3 T. water when needed.
- Turn off heat and add the cooked pork liver and the cornstarch mix.
- Stir well. The sauce should coat the cooked pork liver.